Saturday, October 23, 2010

Grow up

At what point do children actually become adults? When, instead of being the kids on the street asking for candy do they become the parents giving it out? I have wondered about the question for awhile and the only conclusion I could come up with is that they simply do it out of tradition. I have always heard my collective teachers voices constantly repeating "act your age" "act your age" and I honestly wonder if they know the meaning of the phrase. Couldn't they see that we all were acting our age? Couldn't they understand that we never really grow up? Now I understand that we do mature emotionally and physically but that is a product of nature not of ourselves. I have and will always act my age and it is foolish to assume that being a certain number of years old automatically transforms you into a certain emotional configuration.  I have wanted to vent this for a long time because of the absurdity of the phrase and I hope this stops all zero people who read this from using it.

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